Mohammad Eko Prasetiawan, 2018. Pedagogic Competence of Islamic Education Teacher in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Jannah Pahandut Seberang Palangka Raya
Learning media very need in learning process, which can be seen there is a will and desire of the students in receiving the lesson that conveyed by teacher. Because that, the media very useful for teachers in learning process. Beside useful for teachers, an attractive media also can be increase the students’ learning motivation. The more precise and competence the teacher using media, so the learning process will be more optimal.
The purpose of this research is to describe in detail how the implementation pedagogic competence of Islamic Education teachers in planning, appropriate and using the learning media in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Jannah.
This research used descriptive qualitative method with data collection procedure like observation, interview and documentation and the source of data were Principal of Madrasah, Vice Principal of Curriculum and teacher. The datavalidation through : Data Reduction, Display and Data Verification.
The result of this research shows that the implementation pedagogic competence of Islamic Education teacher in planning the media, appropriateness the media with the material and using the learning media in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Jannah. 1) On plannning the learning media from the regulation side eachtime before entering the new semester, the principal Madrasah with the teacher council held a meeting and discuss about the learning set including the important of learning media in lesson plan and teachers asked to made the lesson plan intended. 2) On the appropriateness media with the learning material that only one teacher who made the appropriate media with the learning material, using other learning media beside the white/black board in learning process, while other teachers only use white/black board and book. 3) On the implementation electronic media in learning process like LCD/Infocos (a) There are some teachers who only use white/black board and book as learning media. (b) There is one teacher that use other media beside white/black board and skilled in using electronic media like infocus and adhere media which use cardboard.
Key Word : Pedagogic, Competence of Islamic Education Teacher, MI.
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